Stomach Pain and Swelling In Dogs: Causes, Signs & Treatment

Stomach Pain and Swelling In Dogs

A lot of dog owners have been confronted with pain and swelling in their dogs' stomachs.

This article will cover the causes, treatment options, as well as the symptoms of stomachs that are swelling in dogs. If you're a dog owner who has faced this issue previously or is facing it, then this article is perfect for you!

What is the reason my dog has a swollen Stomach?

Your dog could have an upset stomach when he suffers from diarrhea, frequent vomiting, or is feverish. If your dog is suffering from a stomach that is swelling, this could indicate something more serious like pancreatitis.

The pancreas is inflamed. This creates fluid within the abdomen. The vet will conduct tests to identify what is the cause of the swelling.

What is the best time to consider a Swollen Stomach dangerous for Dogs?

If you notice swelling of the abdomen of your dog, It should consider an emergency. In the event that the swelling becomes serious or your dog is experiencing difficulty breathing, it is important to call your veterinarian immediately.

Your vet will inspect your pet in detail to determine what's causing the swelling and whether underlying problems could lead to more issues.


What is the cause of a stomach that is swollen?

There are a variety of reasons your dog may have an upset stomach. There are a variety of reasons, including:

  • Pancreatitis
  • Gastric torsion
  • Ulcerated gastritis
  • Gastroenteritis
  • Hernia


What are the Symptoms of the Swollen Stomach?

The signs of a swelling stomach can vary based on the root cause. But, the majority of dogs have a variety of these signs:

  • Vomiting
  • Diarrhea
  • Abdominal pain
  • Fever
  • Lethargy


How To Know If My Dog is Suffering from Pancreatitis?

An enlarged stomach can be associated with vomiting, but it's not always. If your dog suffers from pancreatitis, their stomachs are likely to become distended and bloated.

Your dog may also experience nausea, abdominal pain and a lack of appetite, and decreased activity.

It is important to remember that your dog is likely to be suffering from at least one of these signs before developing pancreatitis. The initial sign of pancreatitis usually is lethargy.

Dogs diagnosed with pancreatitis could struggle to walk as their legs are weak. They could also appear disoriented and confused.


What is the treatment for pancreatitis?

 Pancreatitis is usually treated with intravenous fluids and medication. Your veterinarian might also recommend surgery for dogs suffering from acute pancreatitis. Additionally, your dog might require antibiotics to treat an infection.


How Can I Stop My Dog from Suffering from Pancreatitis? 

The best way to prevent your dog from suffering from pancreatitis is straightforward; ensure that he is eating the right diet. Also, you can provide him with regular exercises. This will help keep the digestive system working properly.


How Can I Tell If My Dog has Gastric Torsion?

A dog suffering from gastric torsion may experience abdominal discomfort and constipation. The stomach of the dog appears bigger than normal, and he might be prone to vomiting frequently.

A dog suffering from gastric torsion can also show weakness or paralysis of the hindquarters. These symptoms suggest the dog's need for immediate medical attention. 

What are the indications of dog bloat? 

The first indication that your dog might be suffering from stomach bloat is when they begin vomiting or experiencing diarrhea. If you observe the signs, get them outside immediately and immediately call your vet.

If your dog begins to vomit in a regular pattern, the dog will be unable to control its vomiting. They may also be sluggish and unresponsive. This could indicate that breathing is getting difficult.

Your veterinarian should inspect your dog's ears and eyes before taking a closer look. It is possible that you will be able to tell that they appear dull and sunken. Their tongues may appear discolored and swollen. 

What Should You Do If Your Pet has a bloated stomach?

 In the event that your pet is showing these signs, There's a high chance you're dealing with GDV or Bloat.

The first thing you should do is stop doing what you're doing immediately and bring your dog to the veterinarian. Don't be patient and wait until your dog is worse before taking him to the vet for medical treatment.

It's likely that your dog already suffered some injury because of GDV/Bloat. It's possible that your dog may even have died without prompt vet intervention.

If your dog exhibits any of these symptoms, you should contact the emergency animal clinic in your area immediately. They will be able to immediately treat your pet and even transport the pet's animal to a veterinarian in the event of need. 

Can you tell the difference between gastric dilatation (GD) and gastric dilatation-volvulus (GDV) just by looking?

There is no difference. The gastric dilatation and the gastric volvulus appear very similar in physical examination. Both of them involve an expansion of the stomach and gas accumulation.

But there are significant distinctions between the two types of conditions. Volvulus and gastric dilatation are caused by rotating the stomach to the side of the esophagus, which blocks the regular flow of food through the intestinal tract.

The result is extreme discomfort as well as difficulty swallowing. If not treated promptly, gastric dilatation or volvulus could lead to death.

Gastric Dilatation Versus Gastric Dilatation Volvulus 

Volvulus and gastric dilatation occur when the stomach rotates about its own axis. The stomach will expand and fill with fluid and air.

The stomach then gets wrapped around itself like corkscrews and blocks the flow of food through the small intestines.

This is more likely to be seen in breeds with large-sized dogs, such as Great Danes, Saint Bernards, and Doberman Pinschers.

Gastric dilatation, as opposed to volvulus and gastric dilatation, are typically diagnosed with x-rays which show the stomach stuffed with fluid and air. The gastric dilatation and the volvulus need immediate surgical intervention.

What happens when a dog suffers From Gastric Dilatation and Volvulus? 

If not treated in untreated cases, gastric dilatation, as well as volvulus, may cause rupture of the stomach's wall, which can result in shock, peritonitis, and even death.


Therapy for Gastroscopic Dilatation and Volvulus


A surgical repair is required to address the problem. The procedure involves inserting tubes through the abdomen to remove excess fluid and air out of the stomach. Furthermore, surgery could consist of removing a part of the stomach or tying off the stomach to avoid the possibility of future problems.


How can I prevent bloat from occurring?

To prevent bloat from happening, it's easy. Make sure your dog is well-hydrated. Always ensure that water is always available throughout the day. Don't leave your dog alone in hot vehicles. Be aware of leaving your pet outside in the summer heat.

Your dog needs regular exercise. Exercise is essential to keep your dog healthy and content. It helps them burn off calories and, consequently, they'll shed weight.

Regular exercise can strengthen bones and muscles, keeping your dog healthy and strong.

You must feed your dog in a proper manner. Consuming too many high-calorie food items can cause an increase in bloat. Your dog requires proteins, carbohydrates as well as vitamins, minerals, and fiber.

A healthy diet is a source of all these nutrients. Never give your dog table scraps. Table scraps are a source of harmful bacteria that can get into the digestive tract of your dog.

Be aware of the ingredients you put into your dog's bowl for food. Some people believe that adding salt will prevent their dog from getting bloat.

However, sodium chloride makes it much easier for gasses to form in the stomach. If you're trying to prevent bloating, don't add salts to the food your dog eats.

Be sure to keep your dog of other pets. Dogs are susceptible to picking bacteria from other animals. These bacteria can infiltrate the dog's body and cause illnesses.

Do not let your dog drink water from dirty dishes. Dishes that are dirty can be a breeding ground for bacteria that could infect the water supply for your dog.

Do not let your dog consume grass. It is a source of toxins that could damage the intestinal lining of your dog.

Don't overfeed your dog. In fact, overfeeding can cause an increase in bloat.

Avoid using laxatives. They are harmful since they could damage your dog's delicate bowel wall.


What are the symptoms and signs of a stomach that is twisted?

The stomach that is twisty is marked by diarrhea, vomiting, fatigue, lack of appetite, and abdominal discomfort. If your dog exhibits some or all of these signs, contact your veterinarian immediately.


How Do You Know if Your Dog Has Twisted Stomach?

The vomiting or diarrhea that is accompanied by depression, weakness, or breathing problems indicates your dog is suffering from an unbalanced stomach.

Dog Has Twisted Stomach

Other indications of a bent stomach are an excessive amount of saliva, drooling, sweating, and a fast heartbeat.

If you're worried about the stomach swelling of your dog or pain, call your vet. It is essential to be aware of the signs and symptoms of an expanding abdomen in dogs to ensure it can be dealt with promptly and effectively prior to it becoming life-threatening.


This blog post will help you answer any questions you might have wondered about what is the cause of their belly swelling and how to manage it with your own at-home remedies, and, more importantly, what is the best time to take them to a vet for treatment.

Keep in mind that these symptoms of bloating in dogs are not typical!